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Questions for you about the current picture of your chipping game. After you chip, don’t you want to be putting 100 % of the time ? Is it easier to chip a ball into a 4.25” diameter hole or a 35’ x 75’ crater ? Would you like to quit “ chili dipping “ and “ blading “ your chip shots ? My “ C.L.E.A.R. Picture of Chipping “ video lesson can answer all these questions and more.

$19.99 (Video download)


Questions for you about your current putting game. After you putt, is your ball always as far away from you as the hole is ? Who said you are supposed to have only one putt on every green ? Did you know putts come in three sizes…. Sm. -Med. And Lg. ? My “ Pink to Pink “, “ Green to Green “ and “ Orange to Orange putting video lesson can answer all these questions and more.

$19.99 (Video download)